
Casey Knowles, Girl in Hillary's 3am Ad Supports Obama

Casey Knowles, the young girl in the 3am Hillary Clinton commercial, is an avid Barack Obama supporter and is upset that she was featured in the ad.

Knowles was eight years old in the ad. Ten years later, Knowles, 18, has campaigned vigorously for Obama, while the decade-old commercial airs in favor of her political competitor.

Girl in Hillary's 3am Ad Supports Obama

NOW THE STORY THAT'S STARTING TO MAKE THE ROUNDS TODAY: Casey Knowles turns out to be one of the children used in Clinton's "3 AM" ad (here, along with all its Republican "be afraid. be very afraid" antecedents), which used stock film footage from several years ago. And Casey Knowles, who had no idea her image was being used in Clinton's ad, is now not only a high school student government leader, but also a Democratic precinct captain and -- consistent with her hope for change -- a fervent Obama supporter.