During Big Show's ring introduction, they showed Floyd Mayweather live via satellite watching. Brandon "The Thrill" Hill was anounced at 5-7 and 150 pounds. Ross said Mayweather is 5-8 and 147. He added that he's also 39-0 in boxing with 25 knockouts. Lawler said Floyd is the "exact same size" as Brandon Hill. If exact means an inch taller and 3 pounds less, then yes. During pre-match instructions, Show towered over the skinny Hill. Show absorbed Hill's body punches no sweat, then shoved him into the corner and gave him a big boot to the face. Ross asked if this would be Mayweather's fate at WrestleMania. Show then lifted and powerslammed Hill, stood on his chest, and got a three count victory. Ross said the size differential is "absolutely incredulous." Officials peeled Hill off the mat after the match.